Since 2017 I have organized expeditions for CEO's to polar regions to understand the impact climate change has on our planet. Over the past century we have observed a change in the climate system which is unlike any past natural climate change that has been experienced over the 4.6 billion years of earth history. The difference being that we, as humans, are causing this rapid shift and that for the first time in history a species has the potential to alter this change. My motto for the past 25 years has been 'Seeing is Believing' when I have been confronted with the effects of climate change during my expeditions in extreme environments. It is not just the rapid melt we need to be concerned about, but the amplifications of climate feedbacks that might warn us for bigger disasters ahead. In Paris world leaders signed a historic agreement to stay under two degrees of global warming. This means that we need to reduce our CO2 emissions by 96% by 2050. Eight years later where do we stand? What kind of policies and measurements have been implemented? Do we take 2 degrees seriously? On my climate expeditions to the polar regions ( Svalbard, Antarctica, Greenland) we learned from scientists and aided in conducting citizen science. In the evening, a series of workshops were conducted to steer the CEO’s to a stronger commitment in CO2 reduction, not only within their own organizations but also in their industries. If you would like to organize a climate change expedition, contact me for more information.